August 2021


Is Automation a Good Fit For Me?

Case Study: FPE Automation’s Handshake Solutions Automation  You’ve probably seen the impressive case studies, trade show demos and proof of concepts. They’re all great! The problem is, you may walk away from those asking yourself, “will that automation really work for me?” The only way to know for sure is to step out of the conference room. Let’s go on

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Automation in the Packaging Industry

OEM packaging equipment, machinery, processing equipment, conveyor equipment, and high-speed palletizing are key areas for improved automation.   You’ve probably heard – automation is making headlines for the transformative effect it is having on today’s manufacturing processes. Companies are using new innovations to do less with more, combat ongoing labor shortages, improve quality and save money.   Few industries have

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New Product Launch: Meet the MiR600 and MiR1350

MiR Announces Two New Upgraded Autonomous Mobile Robots: Introducing the MiR600 and MiR1350   This just in from Soren Nielsen, President, MiR Mobile Industrial Robots A/S (MiR) just announced the arrival of the new MiR600 and MiR1350 models! The MiR600 and MiR1350 are next-generation AMRs that maximize the efficiency of internal logistics and material handling operations. The two robots can pick

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